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Åê¹Æ¼Ô: ????????

?8??BMJ ??Online First?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Neuraminidase inhibitors for preventing and treating influenza in healthy adults: systematic review and meta-analysis
?BMJ 2009;339:b5106 Published 8 December 2009?

?????????????????????????Acute Respiratory Infections Group, Cochrane Collaboration???????????????????????12??????????4?????????????????4??????????????????????????????????????????????????????


????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????moderate ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????BMJ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

”Governments around the world have spent billions of pounds on a drug that the scientific community has found itself unable to judge.”

Why don’t we have all the evidence on oseltamivir?
?BMJ 2009;339:b5351 Published 8 December 2009?


???New Review Questions Oseltamivir Data
???Medpage?TODAY 2009.12.8?
Review Questions Tamiflu’s Effectiveness
Value of Tamiflu for regular flu questioned
???CBC.Ca 2009.12.8 AP???


¥³¥á¥ó¥È (4)

  1. ??Channel4??????????????????12?????????????

    New doubts over Tamiflu?Channel 4 news 2009.12.8?

    Åê¹Æ¼Ô by ???????? — 2009ǯ12·î9Æü(¿å)16:21

  2. ???????????????????????????

    ?bloomberg.co.jp 2009?12?9??


    Åê¹Æ¼Ô by ???????? — 2009ǯ12·î9Æü(¿å)23:29

  3. ?????????????16?????????????????????????????





    Rapid Responses

    ????NHS Choice ????????????????

    Antivirals and swine flu?NHS Choice 2009.12.9?

    Åê¹Æ¼Ô by ???????? — 2009ǯ12·î16Æü(¿å)22:44

  4. ???????????????????????????


    Åê¹Æ¼Ô by ???????? — 2009ǯ12·î25Æü(¶â)09:56


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